Our Ventilation Products

Axe Toitures offers the range of ventilation products distributed by Ventilation Maximum

Ventilation is a requirement of the National Building Code of Canada. The air exchange between the interior and the exterior of the house is required in order to renew the oxygen consumed by the occupants and to eliminate polluants generated by breathing, household activities, and emissions from building materials and furniture.

Available Models

  Model 301 Model 303 Model 302
Average Evacuation Flow 418 cfm 266 cfm 134 cfm
Building area ventilated per unit 1000 to 1200 square feet 700 to 800 square feet 400 to 500 square feet

Why Ventilate?

  • A house must be properly insulated, but also well ventilated. We spend most of the day in a closed room. The rooms must be aerated regularly to maintain optimum quality of indoor air.
  • Condition of the shingles warranty. Adequate ventilation is required to maintain the validity of the warranty offered by manufacturers of shingles.
  • Summer and winter. Efficient ventilation offers the advantages of a cooler attic in summer and a drier attic in winter.
  • For your comfort. All this leads to energy savings, adds to the comfort of owners and ensures greater integrity of the home.
  • How to Ventilate?

  • Infiltration. A certain amount of fresh air infiltrates naturally.
  • Distribution. Fresh air must be able to spread throughout the house, particularly in rooms whose doors are closed (like bedrooms).
  • Circulation. Even if fresh air is distributed in a room, it will need help to get to diffuse throughout the room.
  • For proper ventilation. It is possible to supply proper ventilation in all houses, although it is easier using equipment with air circulation ducts.